22 Dicembre | the twenty-second day of December

22 dicembre 2023

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As brisk as bees, if not altogether as light as fairies, did the four Pickwickians assemble on the morning of the twenty-second day of December, in the year of grace in which these, their faithfully-recorded adventures, were undertaken and accomplished. Christmas was close at hand, in all his bluff and hearty honesty; it was the season of hospitality, merriment, and open-heartedness; the old year was preparing, like an ancient philosopher, to call his friends around him, and amidst the sound of feasting and revelry to pass gently and calmly away. Gay and merry was the time; and right gay and merry were at least four of the numerous hearts that were gladdened by its coming.

Charles Dickens, The Picwick Papers, 1836-37

Industriosi come api, se proprio non lievi come fate, i quattri pickwickiani si ritrovarono il mattino del ventiduesimo giorno di dicembre dell’anno di grazia nel quale furono intraprese e compiute le avventure qui fedelmente registrate. Natale era ormai prossimo, con tutta la sua schietta e franca letizia; era la stagione dell’ospitalità, della gioia, della bontà. L’anno vecchio, simile a un antico filosofo, si preparava a chiamare a raccolta i suoi amici e, fra tripudio di feste e giubilo, andarsene tranquillo e pacifico. Lieta e serena era quella stagione, e lieti e sereni erano almeno quattro dei tanti cuori esultanti per l’avvicinarsi di quel giorno. 

Charles Dickens, Il circolo Pickwick, 1836-1837, tr. it. G. Lonza, Garzanti 1990, vol. I, pp.431-32

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